Removing Sensitive Data from Git History with BFG and VS Code

I was recently notified that an old API key was discovered in one of the repos I own. Even if you remove the sensitive data in a new commit, it can still be found in the Git history.

To remove the API key, I decided to use the BFG Repo-Cleaner for cleansing bad data out of your Git repository history. However, I found myself fumbling around with the BFG CLI and spending way too much time trying to remove the key from the Git history.

That’s when I realized there had to be a better way. As a frequent user of Visual Studio Code, I thought, “Why not create a VS Code extension that simplifies this process?” And that’s exactly what I did.

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Using Azure Test Plans with Playwright

In 2020, I blogged about associating automated tests with Azure Test Cases. The post had 18 questions, which indicates there is still confusion on how this works, especially how to set it up with Playwright (which was pre-stable release at the time).

In this post, I’ll walk through how to configure both Playwright Test (JavaScript/TypeScript) and Playwright .NET to get test results in Azure Test Plans. Each option uses abstractions built on the Azure DevOps REST API so you don’t have to write additional code to accomplish this.

Continue reading Using Azure Test Plans with Playwright

Measuring Website Performance with Playwright Test and Navigation Timing API

I was recently tasked with measuring the impact of a Redis cache on an e-commerce site. This was pretty simple with Azure Load Testing, by comparing the results of 2 sites, one with cache, and one without. However, to better exercise the site and understand the user experience, I wanted also to use Playwright.

Continue reading Measuring Website Performance with Playwright Test and Navigation Timing API

Using Terraform’s Azure provider (azurerm) with GitHub Actions and Terraform Cloud

I wanted to document this after spending a frustrating amount of time troubleshooting getting this setup. I was getting this error when running Terraform Plan:

Error building AzureRM Client: obtain subscription() from Azure CLI: Error parsing json result from the Azure CLI: Error waiting for the Azure CLI: exit status 1: ERROR: Please run 'az login' to setup account.

Continue reading Using Terraform’s Azure provider (azurerm) with GitHub Actions and Terraform Cloud