Today I discovered the Start-IISCommitDelay and Stop-IISCommitDelay cmdlets available in the IISAdministration module. In the past I’ve randomly encountered errors when issuing back to back commands that modify the applicationHost.config file:
Filename: \\?\C:\Windows\system32\inetsrv\config\applicationHost.config
Error: Cannot write configuration file
A workaround that works most of the time, is adding start-sleeps to ensure the previous command is complete before beginning the next one. However, adding a bunch of sleeps makes for some ugly code and the scripts will take longer than necessary.
"Setting app pool start mode to Always Running"
Set-ItemProperty $appPoolPath -Name startMode -Value 1 #1 = AlwaysRunning, 0 = OnDemand
"Sleeping for 10 seconds to avoid conflicts on applicationHost.config"
start-sleep -s 10
"Setting app pool idle timeout to 0 (No Timeout)"
Set-ItemProperty $appPoolPath -Name processModel.idleTimeout -Value "00:00:00" #0 = No timeout
Start-IISCommitDelay / Stop-IISCommitDelay
From the docs:
“By enclosing your operations between these commands, you can make sure that your changes are committed at the same time.”
If I convert my previous example, it would look like this:
"Delay the commitment of changes to IIS until Stop-IISCommitDelay cmdlet is executed below"
"Setting app pool start mode to Always Running"
Set-ItemProperty $appPoolPath -Name startMode -Value 1 #1 = AlwaysRunning, 0 = OnDemand
"Setting app pool idle timeout to 0 (No Timeout)"
Set-ItemProperty $appPoolPath -Name processModel.idleTimeout -Value "00:00:00" #0 = No timeout
"Instruct IIS configuration system to resume commitment of changes."
In summary, using these cmdlets will allow us to make IIS configuration changes in bulk, while avoiding conflicts with the applicationHost.config file.