Marcus' Blog

A blog about things I learn at the keyboard: DevOps, CI/CD, Cloud, Automation, to name a few...
  • Versioning .Net assemblies using TFS/VSTS Build.BuildID

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    The semantic versioning used in all of our TFS/VSTS CI builds uses the predefined variable Build.BuildID for the buildnumber portion of major.minor.revision.buildnumber. The build id is used so we have traceability when troubleshooting. We can easily search for the build and see the associated changes. Major.minor.revision is set in a... [Read More]
  • Chef recipe to install VSTS agents (Windows)

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    I recently set out to automate the creation of our Windows build servers that run VSTS agents. Previously the build servers were thought of as “snowflake” servers because of all the software components and customization’s that were needed. This was even more reason to use Infrastructure as Code to get... [Read More]
  • Azure Pipelines YAML Builds (Pipeline as code)

    Last week Microsoft announced “Pipeline as code (YAML)” giving us the ability to store our builds in source control. This allows us to take advantage of Configuration as Code as well as other benefits not available through the Visual Designer builds: [Read More]